PO9 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO9 2 is a postcode sector in Havant, UK. Below is a complete list of PO9 2 Postcodes (Active). PO9 2 postcode sector comprises of 270 active postcodes. PO9 2 sector has a population of 10715, and it has 4458 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO9 2 postcode sector

PO9 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10715
Addresses / Property Count 4458
Active Postcodes 270
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of PO9 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 270 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO9 2AA 50.85498800 -0.98218200 18 50 471740 106657
PO9 2AB 50.85559000 -0.98424300 11 30 471594 106722
PO9 2AD 50.85641100 -0.98136900 49 122 471795 106816
PO9 2AE 50.85538000 -0.98485800 34 88 471551 106698
PO9 2AG 50.85106700 -0.97801900 N/A N/A 472039 106225
PO9 2AH 50.85668400 -0.98183200 34 36 471762 106846
PO9 2AL 50.85609000 -0.98280900 N/A N/A 471694 106779
PO9 2AN 50.85609400 -0.98322300 N/A N/A 471665 106779
PO9 2AP 50.85106700 -0.97801900 N/A N/A 472039 106225
PO9 2AQ 50.85106700 -0.97801900 N/A N/A 472039 106225
PO9 2AR 50.85559600 -0.98285000 N/A N/A 471692 106724
PO9 2AS 50.85608100 -0.98281100 N/A N/A 471694 106778
PO9 2AT 50.85106700 -0.97801900 N/A N/A 472039 106225
PO9 2AW 50.85780600 -0.97743000 0 11 472070 106975
PO9 2AX 50.85759600 -0.98425600 0 6 471590 106945
PO9 2AY 50.85868700 -0.98154500 N/A N/A 471779 107069
PO9 2AZ 50.85106700 -0.97801900 N/A N/A 472039 106225
PO9 2BA 50.86218600 -0.98576200 26 69 471477 107454
PO9 2BB 50.86127900 -0.98386300 24 57 471612 107355
PO9 2BD 50.86095200 -0.98138400 22 52 471787 107321
PO9 2BE 50.86171700 -0.98656800 25 73 471421 107401
PO9 2BF 50.85957100 -0.97979400 N/A N/A 471901 107169
PO9 2BG 50.86122400 -0.98473100 15 38 471551 107348
PO9 2BH 50.86071500 -0.98103400 43 121 471812 107295
PO9 2BJ 50.86248500 -0.98498800 40 99 471531 107488
PO9 2BL 50.86197400 -0.98409000 18 46 471595 107432
PO9 2BN 50.86041500 -0.98374000 24 63 471622 107259
PO9 2BP 50.86082800 -0.98471200 18 47 471553 107304
PO9 2BQ 50.86047100 -0.98294300 20 47 471678 107266
PO9 2BS 50.86190200 -0.98305400 62 131 471668 107425
PO9 2BT 50.86339000 -0.98457100 22 46 471559 107589
PO9 2BU 50.86341800 -0.98371800 17 43 471619 107593
PO9 2BW 50.85438000 -0.96419300 N/A N/A 473007 106607
PO9 2BX 50.86019400 -0.98003700 28 59 471883 107238
PO9 2BY 50.85928900 -0.98252900 22 63 471709 107135
PO9 2BZ 50.85982700 -0.98230400 14 34 471724 107195
PO9 2DA 50.85939200 -0.98400400 10 20 471605 107145
PO9 2DE 50.86111600 -0.97245600 4 11 472415 107348
PO9 2DF 50.86051900 -0.97300900 2 2 472377 107281
PO9 2DG 50.85829800 -0.98024800 10 27 471871 107027
PO9 2DH 50.85868500 -0.98021200 19 36 471873 107070
PO9 2DJ 50.86122600 -0.97977200 10 28 471900 107353
PO9 2DL 50.86205400 -0.98198500 39 97 471743 107443
PO9 2DN 50.86389600 -0.98382100 12 22 471611 107646
PO9 2DP 50.86447100 -0.98380800 21 60 471611 107710
PO9 2DQ 50.85503800 -0.96244500 N/A N/A 473129 106682
PO9 2DR 50.86234200 -0.98095600 18 68 471815 107476
PO9 2DS 50.86322600 -0.97920300 33 93 471937 107576
PO9 2DT 50.86467900 -0.97870200 52 127 471970 107738
PO9 2DU 50.86220500 -0.97960900 16 32 471910 107462
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